Date Range
Chart: {{chartTypeList[currentChartType]}} Line Candlestick Area
Interval: {{chartFrequencyList[chartFrequencyType]}}
  • {{item.indexCode}}
Mouse wheel slide zoom in
Page loading,Please wait...
{{indexName}}{{' ('+indexCodeName+')'}}
Turnover: {{indexMoney}}
Update: {{indexTime}}
Date Range
Chart: {{chartTypeList[currentChartType]}} Line Candlestick Area
Interval: {{chartFrequencyList[chartFrequencyType]}}
  • {{item.indexCode}}
Mouse wheel slide zoom in
Date Range
Interval: {{chartFrequencyList[historyFrequencyType]}} day week month
Total{{historyAllDataTotal}} Displayed{{historyShowData.length}}
Notes: the volume and turnover shown here are the summary results of the index constituents data.
Total{{historyAllDataTotal}} Displayed{{historyShowData.length}}
Notes: the volume and turnover shown here are the summary results of the index constituents data.
Date Range
{{sampleTotal}}条 已显示{{sampleList.length}}
Total{{sampleTotal}} Displayed{{sampleList.length}}
Total{{fundTotal}} Displayed{{fundList.length}}
Update:{{fundUpdateTime}},The fund shares that bear the representative performance and parent shares of structured funds are displayed here, while AUM is consolidated data of all fund shares.
Index Profile
{{indexInfo.jsjj ? indexInfo.jsjj : 'No data'}}
Quick Facts
Index Universe:{{indexInfo.xyfw}}
Selection Criteria:{{indexInfo.xygz ? indexInfo.xygz : ''}}
Index Capping:{{indexInfo.qzsx ? indexInfo.qzsx: 'None'}}
Review Frequency:{{indexInfo.typl ? typlList[indexInfo.typl] : typlList[0]}}
Base Point:{{indexInfo.jd}}
Base Date:{{indexInfo.jr}}
Launch Date:{{indexInfo.fbrq}}
Index Information
Index Methodology
The index of the web page is calculated and/or disseminated by Shenzhen Securities Information Company Limited (SSIC) on behalf of China Exchanges Services Company Limited (CESC). Neither CESC nor SSIC guarantee (expressly or impliedly) the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or fitness for a particular purpose of the Index and/or the data or information contained therein; nor do they accept any liability for any damages, loss, costs or expenses directly or indirectly suffered by any person arising from the use of the Index and/or the data or information contained therein.
Index Profile
{{indexInfo.jsjj ? indexInfo.jsjj : 'No data'}}
Quick Facts
Index Universe:{{indexInfo.xyfw}}
Selection Criteria:{{indexInfo.xygz}}
Index Capping:{{indexInfo.qzsx ? indexInfo.qzsx*100 + '%': 'None'}}
Review Frequency:{{indexInfo.typl ? typlList[indexInfo.typl] : typlList[0]}}
Base Point:{{indexInfo.jd}}
Base Date:{{indexInfo.jr}}
Launch Date:{{indexInfo.fbrq}}
Index Information
Index Methodology
The index of the web page is calculated and/or disseminated by Shenzhen Securities Information Company Limited (SSIC) on behalf of China Exchanges Services Company Limited (CESC). Neither CESC nor SSIC guarantee (expressly or impliedly) the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or fitness for a particular purpose of the Index and/or the data or information contained therein; nor do they accept any liability for any damages, loss, costs or expenses directly or indirectly suffered by any person arising from the use of the Index and/or the data or information contained therein.
Turnover: {{indexMoney}}
{{chartTypeList[currentChartType]}} Line K line Area
Interval: {{chartFrequencyList[chartFrequencyType]}}
Market Breakdown
Sector Breakdown
Turnover: {{chartFrequencyList[historyFrequencyType]}} Day Week Month
Total{{historyAllDataTotal}} Displayed{{historyShowData.length}}
Total {{historyAllDataTotal}} Displayed {{historyShowData.length}}
Notes: the volume and turnover shown here are the summary results of the index constituents data.
Total{{sampleTotal}} Displayed {{sampleList.length}}
Total{{sampleTotal}} Displayed{{sampleList.length}}
Total{{fundTotal}} Displayed{{fundList.length}}
Update:{{fundUpdateTime}},The fund shares that bear the representative performance and parent shares of structured funds are displayed here, while AUM is consolidated data of all fund shares.